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WARNING REGARDING MUSIC BOOK PURCHASES: Having taught about seventy music camps over the years, I am continually struck by the eagerness with which students buy instructional books. Many of these students have been coming to camps for years and just don't improve at all. Yet they keep buying books.
I sympathize with them. I have been a part-time dilettante graduate student in philosophy for over a decade. I don't have the energy or the smarts to really learn predicate logic or the metaphysics of modality, so I just keep buying philosophy books, which I never read. My theory is that if I own enough philosophy books the knowledge will rub off on me by osmosis. So far the theory is turning out to be false. But I will keep testing it.
I suspect the same holds for music book purchases. It is way easier to buy books than to practice diligently.
So before you buy an instructional music book, ask yourself if you are willing and able to commit the scores of hours that the book will demand of you. If you are not, buy the book anyway and hope that my osmosis theory prevails. I will be doing the same with philosophy.